Adding a widget

The addition of a new widget is a simple and intuitive procedure, that consinste in very few steps:

  • Click on the button Add Widget
  • Choose the template to show. The following options are available:
    • Alarms List, displays the alarms list of one or more devices;
    • Bar chart, display signals as columns in a chart;
    • Break page, (only for REPORTS) allows to move to report next page;
    • Calculated value, displays a calculated value based on a formula and one or more signals;
    • Cylinder gauge, displays the graphic representation of one signal compared to a maximum value chosen by the user;
    • Devices map, displays selected signal on a map;
    • Free table, allows you to create a table customizable with signals and texts;
    • Free text, allows you to insert fully custsomizable text;
    • Gauge, displays the most recent value of a signal on a gauge;
    • Graph, displays the graphic rappresentation of a signal;
    • Notes, displays the notes/events according the specified tags;
    • Radar chart, displays the values of one or more signals on a radar chart;
    • Scatter chart, displays the values of two signals on a scatter chart;
    • Signals boxes, displays signals in boxes with their types icons;
    • Signal Detail, displays the most recent values of a signal;
    • Signals history, displays the history of one or more signals;
    • Signals List, displays signals from one or more devices;
    • Signals Pie, displays one or more signals values on a pie chart;
    • Synoptic, allows you to create a synoptic by choosing an image;
    • Weather, displays weather data from an OpenWeather device.

  • Depending on the type of widget selected, the signal/s or device/s choiche will be displayed, or, if the type selected is synoptic, the image to use as basis. When gauge widget is chosen, the thresholds for the graph will also be asked. When notes widget is chosen, tags filters can be added.
  • The widget will appear in the dashboard. You can then move it or resize it. In addition, by clicking the points icon, you can display the specific settings for the type of widget.

    The icon next to the points, allows to instantly reload the widget and all its contents.
  • The widgets show some infos in the footer where possible. On the left there are the selected granularity and the time spent since last visualized value (the signal may have more recent values outside the selected range). On the right there is the selected range of data or the reference date.

    In widgets with granularity/rang options, the click on the info in the footer opens the edit menu with those fields in relief.

    Notes and Alarms list widget have pagination control in their footer, while devices map widget shows markers controls.

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