

It is possible to configure your Weintek device (cMT series) so it can communicate with Databoom, by importing MQTT certificates generated by the platform.



Creating a device in Databoom and generate certificates

First operation to do is creating an MQTT device in Databoom

  • Access in Databoom
  • Move to the Devices section in the side menu
  • Click the Add a device button
  • Select the type of device MQTT (refer the support article for the correct configuration) or Weintek in this case the MQTT parameters form is displayed too
  • Of particular importance is the Topics  where publish data field, that is used from the Site Manager as a"channel" to forward data to Databoom. The topic is generated by merging:
    • a project, a value chosen by the user, eg. test
    • the device token, eg. 0ro3ubpc5m
    • publication topic, eg. push
    • eg. test/0ro3ubpc5m/push

  • Fill the other fields and confirm the device creation
  • In the device detail page buttons to download certificates are displayed, respectively:
    • Certificate chain, databoom-ca.pam
    • Client private key, client-key.pem
    • Client certificate, client-cert.pem

  • To configurate Weintek device you'll need 
    • Device token
    • ClientId 
    • Topic where publish data
    • Download certificates
  • You don't need to add signals to the MQTT device in Databoom, they are automatically created at the first communication 



Weintek configuration

Weintek device can be configurated using EasyBuilder Pro that can be downloaded at the following linkl link: https://www.weintek.com/globalw/Download/Download.aspx

Access EasyBuilderPro and follow these steps:

  • Go to IIoT/Energy tab of the top menu and select MQTT

  • Select Enable in the window and fill the parameters as in the following image:
    • Select Use domain name next the input field and type the address mqttcert.databoom.com
    • Insert port 8883
    • Insert your ClientId from previous steps in Databoom device configuration

  • Go to TLS/SSL tab
  • Select Enablea, Server verification and Client verification then import certificates previously downloaded in Databoom device configuration

  • Confirm by clicking OK so you can specify the topic in the previous window
  • Click New... button and fill topic field with the value from Databoom device configuration, fill remaining fields as in the following picture

  • Go to Address tab and delete existing configuration with Delete button
  • Click Template... button and paste the following Databoom payload
          "type": "data",
          "message": {
              "device": "<device-token>",
              "date": "2022-07-28T14:41:53.434448",
              "signals": [
                      "name": "<signal-token>",
                      "value": 65535

  • Payload is generated automatically, you ned to do the following edits:
    • Double click String type of data field and choose Timestamp option in the window
    • Double click signal value and choose Address in place of Fixed value, selecting the HMI variable you want to forward
    • Be sure to set <device-token> with the value of the token of the device configured previously on Databoom

  • Once configuration has been completed you can test it by going to the Project tab of the main screen then starting Online simulator, if all the steps where done correctly the signal in Databoom will soon display the value from HMI



Configuration completed!

Once the procedure has been completed, Databoom starts to record data sent from the Weintek. To examine your data and have a correct representation, follow the instructions in Edit/validation of a signal.

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