Edit/validation of a signal

After the creation of a signal, it is required to validate it so that the data starts to be recorded and, in the case of history data, imported properly. Validation is a procedure that allows the configuration of all the parameters necessary to provide a true and accurate representation of the signal. A signal can be validated even without specifying any parameters but, in this case, the correct representation of the data is not guaranteed.

It is possible to validate signals in the Signals list, through the fast validation.



Virtual signals

If the signal is virtual, the first panel is used to select the source signals to which the formula is applied. A variable is assigned to every signal added and it has to be used as reference in the formula.



Signal info

Among the basic information of the signal you can change its access (default is private), its description, and its type. In the same box it is available the token generated by Databoom for the signal. The token is a code, unique within the same device, identifying signal; you need it to be able to transmit data to the platform through the use of the API.

The Enable log field indicates if the data received for the signal are stored or not. The default option is active, unchecking the checkbox, new data will not be stored. A validated signal, with disabled log, is marked with a pause symbol ❚❚ in the signals list.

Manually insert values allows to manually set reference values for other signals.

Visualization autocomplete, if the signal occasionally transmits only a value, displays it constantly in graph until a new value is received

A signal can be set as counter in two modes, incremental counter and differential counter. A signal is a counter when its value is cumulative. In case of incremental counter every received value represents the cumulative total from the beginning of the recording, in the case of differential counter each received value represents the total accumulated since the last communication.

The timeout threshold allows to specify a value in minutes after which notifying the user about communication miss with a notice in Signals list, Signal details and Gauge widgets.



Graph visualization

In the graph visualization panel, you can choose the type of chart to display, in addition to specify an automatic or fixed scale, with settable values. Gap period (minutes) set an interval beyond which values are not connected in graphs.



Unit of measurement

In the following box, you can specify the unit of measurement of the signal. The value will be verified and interpreted by Databoom and if recognized, then validated.



Values substitution

The values substitution section allows to specify a condition (Greater Than, Less Than, Between, Equals To) that, if verified, returns any value specified by the user which will be displayed in substitution of the value received by the signal. It is possible to choose a color for every substitution, this is used as color for the signal detail widget and its light. In charts, value substitution is showed in its balloon within a label. It is also possible to sepcify some additional Notes to be displayed in widgets and rules.

Transform value option enables the input of a funciton that is applied to the value of the signal befor verifying the substitution condition. In this way the signal stores the original value while showing the transformed value substitution.

  • value is the keyword to refer the value of the signal in the transformation function
  • it is possible to refer custom fields by typing their name in the function



Value correction

Value correction allows to provide a more correct interpretation of the received values.

Minimum granularity field is used to provide grouped values (Hourly, Daily, Monthly) in the signal details page, or to set a custom granularity (es 3 hours, 5 days, 6 months). If minimun granularity is set, the signal will show only the corresponding values. If the signal is then used in a virtual signal formula, the calculation will only use the values depending their signal granularity.

By checking Exclude values functionality, the user can exclude values received by the signal by filling the range fields. If a value is excluded, an alarm to the user is sent.

By enabling signal rescaling you can set the parameters to parse the input values to a more appropriate range. It is also possible to specify the number of decimal places you want display.



Reference signals

Reference signals section can be used to add new signals linked to the one in edit when you need to compare graphs or when you need a signal as a threshold.



Custom fields

Custom fields section allows to add user-customizable fields to store additional info about the signal.




Valida segnale

Once all the parameters have been set you can then validate the signal with the changes.

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