Signals list

The page displays all the signals availabe on the platform. For each signal its state is shown, with its description and its token, the associated device and its token, the last value received, the last connection date, a series of labels and a star for the addition/removal from favorites.

Initially the list will be empty, you can add a new signal to a the device by clicking on the button Add Signal.

Signals list

The signals administrated or created by the user are distinguished by a dull state indicator, while the read only ones have a transparent indicator. If a signal is validated but its log is disabled, there will be the pause symbol ❚❚ on its state indicator.

Some signals in the list have symbols next to the description to better recognize them:

  • Virtual signals have the symbol  
  • Counter signals have the symbol  
  • Shared signals have the symbol  

If a signal has orders, their icons are shown in Last value cell, so they can be executed directly from the list.



Research of a signal

Once created, the signal will be displayed in the list of signals labeled with Creator. It is possible to search for a particular signal using the dedicated search bar at the top of the page. The search is performed on signals descriptions, their associated devices and their labels. 

It is possible to filter signals by their last received value, just type the condition (>,<,=) followed by the value in the search bar.

It is also possible to reverse a filter by clicking the corresponding tag in the search bar, the tag will be colored of grey and the condition will negate.

Filters in the search bar are stored for the current session. Moving in other pages of the site and coming back, the filter is still applied.

Signals list with signal

It is possible to filter by custom fields

  • # enables search by Custom field
  • Type the custom field name followed by its value using the format Field:Value
  • es. #CustomField:10

The list of devices is also sortable. The fields "State", "Description and token", "Device", "Last value", "Last comm" and the favorites star in the header of table are clickable, and allow the ascending/descending order of all the items. The default sort order is ascending alphabetical, with favorites devices shown at the beginning of the list.



Edit the list

By clicking on the button Edit signals you can access the edit view where it is possible to hide/show, edit, delete or share more signals together.

It is also possible to add or remove tags to more signals at time, it is enough to filter the list and add the tag or select the tag to remove in the list header. Tags will be updated only in signals with Administrator or Creator permissions.

Once all the options are chosen, by clicking on Apply changes, a modal will show to actually confirm the changes.

Modifica lista segnali



Other functionalities accessible from signals list are:

Fast validation

Multi signals edit

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