It is possible to connect your EGX300 and its connected devices to Databoom following a few steps in the device settings.
Initial settings
To get started, access to your device by typing its IP address into a browser (Default credentials USR:Administrator/PSWD:Gateway).
Once logged in, go to Diagnostics -> Statistics. Note the Serial Number from the Gateway Information panel. Configure your devices in Setup -> Device List and note the Device Name you chose.
For each connected device, Databoom device token must be edited to match the pattern <SERIAL NUMBER>.<DEVICE NAME>.
WARNING! Device data is forwarded using the token pattern above. If the value is not edited in Databoom, the communication fails.
At this point you need to choose a Logging Interval, as well as enabling the Logging functionality in Setup -> Device Logging, by ticking the corresponding checkbox next to each device in the list.
Device Log Export
In Setup -> Device Log Export you need to set all the parameters required to communicate with Databoom.
Fill the fields as shown in the picture:
- Transport, choose the option HTTP
- Schedule, select the most appropriate interval for your needs
- Server IP Address, Databoom dedicated server IP,
- Server TCP Port, the port where the server is listening, 8080
- Path, HTTP request path, /egx300/<SERIAL NUMBER>
- Field Name, the field name of the file containing the data, datafile
- Host Name, Databoom dedicated server address,
- Username, your own Databooom username
- Password, last 20 characters of user's API key
Date and Time
To optimize synchronization with Databoom, make sure to correctly configure the NTP settings.
Enable NTP functionality by checking Enable Network Time Synchronization, set the Time Zone Offset according the device position and, if you wish to consider daylight saving time, check Enable Automatic Daylight Savings Time Adjustment and set the correct parameters.
In the SNTP Parameters panel, insert an NTP server address to allow date/time synchronization.
In Databoom leave the Hours Difference field at UTC+00:00, it is not considered by the device, while you can set the Displayed Timezone field according to your needs.
After the initial configuration between the EGX300 and Databoom, it is not recommended to change the language of the device because it also changes the descriptions of the signals and creates different signals on the platform, losing correspondence between data.
Configuration completed!
Once the procedure has been completed, Databoom starts to record data from the EGX300. To examine your data and have a correct representation, follow the instructions in Edit/validation of a signal.