It is possible to transmit signals to Databoom using platforms to supervise and industrial control making use of HMI/Scada software technology, like WinCC.
Data forwarding is implemented through the writing of a VBScript.
To run the script correctly, you need curl. It is possible to check its installation by running the command in a command line. If it is not present in your system, get the installer at the download page of th cURL site.
The script consists of two parts:
- Loop, deals with the cyclic execution of the script
- Handlers, handles errors, if any, while running
Depending on the WinCC version it is possible to create only two scripts VBscript (Loop and Handlers) or to create a script per function (in particular Handlers consists of 6 functions).
VBScript functions in WinCC V14 SP1
Sub PostDataboom() Dim prev, apiClock, apiPost, apiKey, curl, curlGet, jsonEmpty 'File di log per tutte le variabili Dim logs<SIGNAL_1> Dim logs<SIGNAL_2> Dim logError 'memorizza tutti gli errori Dim logBulk 'memorizza il post prima dell'inoltro in caso di bulk Dim resultPost Dim resultDate Dim resultBulk prev = -1 apiClock = "" apiPost = "" apiKey = "<USER_API_KEY>" curl = "cmd /C <CURL_FULL_PATH> --header ""apikey: " & apiKey & """" & " --header ""Content-Type: application/json"" -X POST -d """ curlGet = "cmd /C <CURL_FULL_PATH> -X GET " jsonEmpty = "{\""MSG\"":\""OK\""}" 'Definisco i percorsi dei file di log logs<SIGNAL_1> = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\<SIGNAL_1>.txt" logs<SIGNAL_2> = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\<SIGNAL_2> .txt" logError = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\ERRORS.txt" logBulk = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\bulkToPost.txt" resultPost = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\resultPost.txt" resultDate = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\resultDate.txt" resultBulk = "<LOGS_DIR_FULL_PATH>\resultBulk.txt" Do While True If (Minute(Now) <> prev) And (Minute(Now) Mod 5 = 0) Then Dim sDate, postResult, bulkResult, JSONString, canConn, FSO, TS Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Verifica la presenza dei file di log, li genera se non li trova On Error Resume Next Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logs<SIGNAL_1>, ForAppending, True) TS.Close Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logs<SIGNAL_2>, ForAppending, True) TS.Close If Err.Number <> 0 Then storeError logError, Err, "Can't create log file" Err.Clear End If canConn = True sDate = "" postResult = "" bulkResult = "" Dim objWshShell, result Set objWshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") On Error Resume Next ' curl & jsonEmpty & """ " & apiClock & " > " & resultDate, 0, True objWshShell.Run curlGet & apiClock & " > " & resultDate, 0, True If Err.Number <> 0 Then storeError logError, Err, "Can't curl date" Err.Clear End If Set result = FSO.OpenTextFile(resultDate, ForReading) sDate = result.ReadAll result.Close If Len(sDate) <> 21 Then HandleDateRequest canConn,sDate Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logError, ForAppending) TS.Write ((Year(Now)*100 + Month(Now))*100 + Day(Now))*10000 + Hour(Now)*100 + Minute(Now) & " - ERROR: Can't retrieve date: " & sDate & vbCrLf TS.Close End If 'Definisco le variabili per la lettura dei dati Dim <SIGNAL_1> Dim <SIGNAL_2> 'Assegno alle variabili quelle di WinCC Set <SIGNAL_1>= SmartTags("<SIGNAL_1_WINCC_VAR>") 'A seconda della versione utilizzare SmartTags() o HMIRuntime.Tags() Set <SIGNAL_2>= SmartTags("<SIGNAL_2_WINCC_VAR>") JSONString = "{\""device\"":\""<DATABOOM_DEVICE_TOKEN>\"",\""date\"":\""" & sDate & "\"", \""signals\"":[" JSONString = JSONString & "{\""name\"":\""<DATABOOM_SIGNAL_1_TOKEN>\"",\""value\"":"& Replace(<SIGNAL_1>,",",".") & "}," 'nel caso di utilizzo di HMIRuntime.Tags(), utilizzare .Read(1) per la lettura dei valori delle variabili JSONString = JSONString & "{\""name\"":\""<DATABOOM_SIGNAL_2_TOKEN>\"",\""value\"":"& Replace(<SIGNAL_2>,",",".") & "}" JSONString = JSONString & "]}" On Error Resume Next objWshShell.Run curl & JSONString & """ " & apiPost & " > " & resultPost, 0, True If Err.Number <> 0 Then storeError logError, Err, "Can't curl post, " & JSONString Err.Clear End If Set result = FSO.OpenTextFile(resultPost, ForReading) postResult = result.ReadAll result.Close If postResult <> "{""message"":""ALL_INFO_PROCESSED""}" Then HandleFailedPost canConn, FSO, TS, sDate, Replace(<SIGNAL_1>,",","."), logs<SIGNAL_1> HandleFailedPost canConn, FSO, TS, sDate, Replace(<SIGNAL_2>,",","."), logs<SIGNAL_2> Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logError, ForAppending) TS.Write ((Year(Now)*100 + Month(Now))*100 + Day(Now))*10000 + Hour(Now)*100 + Minute(Now) & " - ERROR: Can't send post " & postResult & vbCrLf TS.Close End If If canConn = True Then Dim bulk, emptyBulk emptyBulk = True bulk = "{""device"":""<DATABOOM_DEVICE_TOKEN>"",""date"":" & sDate & ", ""signals"":{" 'Per ogni segnale aggiungo i dati raccolti nei rispettivi bulk bulk = bulk & " ""<DATABOOM_SIGNAL_1_TOKEN>"" : {""description"":""<DATABOOM_SIGNAL_1_TOKEN>"", ""history"":[" addHistory logs<SIGNAL_1>, bulk If StrComp(Right(bulk, 1),",") = 0 Then bulk = Left(bulk, Len(bulk) - 1) & "]}," emptyBulk = False Else bulk = bulk & "]}," End If bulk = bulk & " ""<DATABOOM_SIGNAL_2_TOKEN>"" : {""description"":""DATABOOM_SIGNAL_2_TOKEN>"", ""history"":[" addHistory logs<SIGNAL_2>, bulk If StrComp(Right(bulk, 1),",") = 0 Then bulk = Left(bulk, Len(bulk) - 1) & "]}}}" emptyBulk = False Else bulk = bulk & "]}}}" End If If emptyBulk = False Then On Error Resume Next Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logBulk, ForWriting) TS.Write bulk TS.Close If Err.Number <> 0 Then storeError logError, Err, "Can't log bulk" Err.Clear End If On Error Resume Next objWshShell.Run curl & "@" & logBulk & """ " & apiPost & " > " & resultBulk, 0, True If Err.Number <> 0 Then storeError logError, Err, "Can't run bulk curl" Err.Clear End If Set result = FSO.OpenTextFile(resultBulk, ForReading) bulkResult = result.ReadAll result.Close If bulkResult <> "{""message"":""ALL_INFO_PROCESSED""}" Then HandleFailedConn canConn Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logError, ForAppending) TS.Write ((Year(Now)*100 + Month(Now))*100 + Day(Now))*10000 + Hour(Now)*100 + Minute(Now) & " - ERROR: Can't send bulk " & bulkResult & vbCrLf & bulk & vbCrLf TS.Close End If If canConn = True Then cleanHistory logsPotenza cleanHistory logs<SIGNAL_1> cleanHistory logs<SIGNAL_2> End If End If End If FSO.DeleteFile(logBulk) FSO.DeleteFile(resultPost) FSO.DeleteFile(resultDate) FSO.DeleteFile(resultBulk) Set TS = Nothing Set FSO = Nothing prev = Minute(Now) End If Loop End Sub
The example has two tags, you can add more by following the same procedure.
WARNING! When adding new variables, always check closing parenthesis. Last variable must not have commas at the end, as the <Signal 2> in the example, while other variables must mirror <Signal 1>.
Sub addHistory(ByVal logFile, ByRef bulk) Const ForReading = 1 Dim FSO, TS Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logFile, ForReading) Do Until TS.AtEndOfStream bulk = bulk & TS.ReadLine & "," Loop TS.Close End Sub
Sub cleanHistory(ByVal logFile) Const ForWriting = 2 Dim FSO, TS Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logFile, ForWriting, True) TS.Write "" TS.Close End Sub
Sub HandleDateRequest(ByRef canConn, ByRef sDate) canConn = False sDate = Year(Date) & "-" & Right(String(2, "0") & Month(Date), 2) & "-" & Right(String(2, "0") & Day(Date), 2) & "T" & Right(String(2, "0") & Hour(Now), 2) & ":" & Right(String(2, "0") & Minute(Now), 2) & ":" & Right(String(2, "0") & Second (Now), 2) End Sub
Sub HandleFailedConn(ByRef canConn) canConn = False End Sub
Sub HandleFailedPost(ByRef canConn, ByRef FSO, ByRef TS, ByVal sDate, ByVal variable, ByVal logsVariable) Const ForAppending = 8 canConn = False Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logsVariable, ForAppending, True) TS.Write "{""date"":"""& sDate &""",""value"":"& variable &"}" & vbCrLf TS.Close End Sub
Sub storeError(ByVal logError, ByRef errData, ByRef errExtra) Const ForAppending = 8 Dim FSO, TS Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(logError, ForAppending, True) TS.Write ((Year(Now)*100 + Month(Now))*100 + Day(Now))*10000 + Hour(Now)*100 + Minute(Now) & " - Error: [" & Err.Number & ", "& Err.Source &", "& Err.Description & "] "& errExtra & vbCrLf TS.Close End Sub
Script execution
Once the scripts are ready in WinCC, you can start recording data in Databoom.
One possible approach is to call the main function when opening the main window of your project.
Open the Graphics Designer functionality from the side menu and access the main windows, <NAME>.PDL. Click the right mouse button on the base level and choose the Properties menu. Go on the Event tab and set a VBS action.
The action to write is:
Sub OnOpen() PostDataboom End Sub
Script execution in WinCC V14 SP1
Configuration completed!
Once the procedure has been completed, Databoom starts to record data sent from WinCC. To examine your data and have a correct representation, follow the instructions in Edit/validation of a signal.