Google Drive


A Google Drive device lets the user share a directory containing files with Databoom in order to import signals.

The supported file format is .CSV, it is also possible to share the files by zipping them in .ZIP one by one.

Once the Google Drive device has been created, it is enough to share it with the dedicated Databoom account ( providing edit permissions.

After it is read, every source file is renamed by adding the suffix _READ_BY_DATABOOM so the user can easily recognize the processed files.

Configuration parameters of the Google Drive device must be inserted in the proper panel in the device creation page or, if already created, in its edit page. The required fields are:

  • Shared directory, the name of user's directory shared with Databoom;
  • Directory owner's mail, Google Drive shared directory owner's mail.

It is possible to specify a list of files to read from the directory. If no files is inserted, all the compatible files will be forwarded to Databom.

WARNING! In addition to Google Drive settings, it is required to specify CSV datetime format, Decimals separator and CSV signals fields in the edit device panel.

WARNING! Make sure that the .CSV pattern used in the shared files is compatible with the ones supported by Databoom, otherwise data could be imported wrongly.

Configuration completed!

Once the procedure has been completed, Databoom starts to record data from the Google Drive device. To examine your data and have a correct representation, follow the instructions in Edit/validation of a signal.

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