Release 4.1.99 (10/13/2020)

In the 4.1.99 release the following improvements were introduced:

  • Alarms list widget, it is possible to access search filters edit by clicking the dedicated area i nthe widget (filters can be edited also by read-only users);
  • Notes widget, it is possible to access search filters edit by clicking the dedicated area i nthe widget (filters can be edited also by read-only users);
  • Widget export, when exporting a CSV file it is possible to choose whether keep decimal digits format, in this case the number is considered as string in exported file, or use numeric format;
  • OAuth token, in Settings -> Credentials it's possible to edit an OAuth token value in its edit modal;
  • Update signal from template, if orders were added to tempalte, topics are correctly actualized with corresponding device token when updating signal from template;
  • Various minor fixes to improve existing functionalities:
    • Unit of measurament, it's possible to use  μ prefix;
    • Rules templates, by switching from a rule template to another, variables always start from x0.
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