Report template

A report template allows to generate a report model to be subsequently used to create other reports with the same structure but with different signals chosen by the user.

The functionality is accessible from the Report manager page.



Creating a template

In order to generate a template, you need to create a report to be used as initial model. 

Template column has a button, it is enabled only if the corresponding report contains at least a signal template that can be substituted with a real signal when creating a report. A report template can also contain real signals in case of, for example, signals comparison report.

By clicking the + button a modal is visualized, by confirming it the template will be created and listed in the apposite section of the Report manager. 



Generating a report from a template

Once the template has been created it is possible to proceed with a report creation, by clicking the + button of the corresponding row.

By clicking the + button a modal is visualized, with the list of all the signals in the template to be associated with real signals.

The generated report is named after the template description with the addition of a suffix, settable by the user in the top right corner of the modal.

Signals are grouped by their widgets: in the first column all the widgets are listed with their report reference, while the second column lists the signals templates with the select boxes to choose the real signals to substitute them in the generated report.

Once the suffix has been inserted and all the signals selected, the report is generated following the same structure with the selected signals in substitution of the signal templates.



Renaming template

To rename a template click the pencil button in the corresponding row. Confirm edits by clicking the save icon.  



Deleting template

To delete a template click the trash button in the corresponding row. By confirming the operation in the modal, the templates list is updated.  

If the template is set in a device template, an error notification is shown with the link to the template edit page.

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