R-PASS Series (no STRATON)

Databoom sees the SENECA as a MQTT device that can be configured also as a template.



Creation of a MQTT in Databoom

  • Create a new device from devices list (Devices side menu) by clicking the Add device button in the top right corner;
  • Select the MQTT type;
  • Fields in the Info box can be freely customized by the user;
  • In the MQTT box:
    • Add a Project, it will be the "root" of the topic
    • Specify a Topic where publish data from the device and a Topic where are possible to receive information from Databoom
  • Confirm device creation by clicking the Save button in the top right corner

Once the device is created, you'll have:

  • ClientId
  • Topic where publish data
  • Topic where are possible to receive information from Databoom

These fields are required to fill Z-PASS2 or R-PASS configuration, note them down to use them next.



Seneca device configuration

Z-PASS2 and R-PASS allow to customize all parameters needed to publish data to Databoom broker in MQTT Configuration.

Fields to set in the configuration are:

  • ClientID, the ClientId field, displayed in the Databoom device;
  • Broker Host, Databoom broker,;
  • Broker Port, port to connect to the broker, 1883;
  • Username, username to access Databoom;
  • Password, an OAuth token generated in Databoom with Publish permissiosn
    • In Settings -> Credentials side menu, click the Add OAuth button in the OAuth keys box
  • Publish Topic for Logs, it's the value of Topic where publish data set in the Databoom device
  • Publish Payload for Logs, data format used for data publication
    • {
      "type": "data",
      "message": { "device": "<device token>", "date": "%d", "signals" : [%b] }
    • <device token> is the token of the device created in Databoom
    • %d is automatically substituted with the date by the Seneca device
    • %b is automatically substiuted with signals data using formatted according Publish Bulk Format field value
  • Publish Bulk Format, single signal data format
    • {
      "name": %jn,
      "value": %v
    • %jn is automatically substiuted with the variable description by the Seneca
      • A signal with this value as token is created in Databoom
    • %v is automatically substiuted with the variable value by the Seneca
  • Publish Topic for Alarms, topic where to publish alarms, it is possible to use Topic where publish data value again
  • Publish Payload for Alarms, format used to publish alarms in Databoom
    • {
          "type": "alarm",
          "message":  {
            "dateOn": "%t",
            "description": "%jx",
            "status": "ON",
            "ack": "NACK"
    • %t is automatically substituted with the date by the Seneca
    • %jx is automatically substituted with the alarm message by the Seneca
  • Subscribe Topic, subscription topic where data is received, it is the value of Topic where are possible to receive information from Databoom in Databoom device



Configuration complete!

Once previous steps are done, Z-PASS2 or R-PASS is able to transmit to Databoom.

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