In the 4.0.30 release the following improvements were introduced:
- Alarms list, added Export button to download alarms list in Excel format;
- Various minor fixes to improve existing functionalities:
- Minor fix to team detail view;
- Full date ranges is shown in graphs;
- Additional customization in premium profiles (motto, privacy policy and terms and conditions links);
- Added introductive documentation to Databoom APIs;
- Devices list, added device tokens in the view;
- Creation date and last edit date added in signal detail view;
- Creation date and last edit date added in rule detail view;
- Last edit date added in device detail;
- Added ? next to fields where a tooltip is present in edit pages;
- Added status button in rule detail view;
- By editing a rule action, receivers are correctly loaded in input suggestions;
- Improved signals notes visualization in signals list;
- Signals notes are displayed in signals list in the device view;
- In case of MQTT device, in signals list custom topics are shown if set next to the corresponding signals;
- By editing a signal in a MQTT device, topic root is displayed close to the Custom topic where publish data;
- Copy buttons added in MQTT devices to copy client ID and topics.