The page displays all the documents uploaded to the platform. For each document the description, the owner, the date of creation, a series of labels and the file name are shown.
You can upload a newdocument by clicking on the button Add document.
Research of a document
Once a document has been uploaded, it will show in the list of documents with the label Creator.
It is possible to look for a specific document using the dedicated search bar at the top of the page. The search is performed on the documents descriptions and their labels. It is also possible to reverse a filter by clicking the corresponding tag in the search bar, the tag will be colored of grey and the condition will negate.
Filters in the search bar are stored for the current session. Moving in other pages of the site and coming back, the filter is still applied.
The list of documents is also sortable. The fields "Description and owner" and "Creation date" in the header of table are clickable, and allow the ascending/descending order of all the items. The default sort order is ascending alphabetical.
Edit the list
By clicking on the button Edit documents you can access the edit view where it is possible to delete or share more documents together.
It is also possible to add or remove tags to more documents at time, it is enough to filter the list and add the tag or select the tag to remove in the list header. Tags will be updated only in documents with Administrator or Creator permissions.
Once all the options are chosen, by clicking on Apply changes, a modal will show to actually confirm the changes.