Free table (widget)

Free table widget let the user create a fully customizable table. Rows and columns numbers are requested in widget creation.

The widget is empty at creation, every cell will show a + button to add content. By clicking the button in a cell, the corresponding window is displayed.

For every cell is possible:

  • to choose to show bold content;
  • to choose the content alignment;
  • whether to horizontally or vertically merge the selected cell with the following ones (multiple click on button, x to reset);
  • to set cell content color;
  • to set cell background color.

It is possible to choose among Signal and Free text content. In case of signal, the value corresponding to the selected option in widget menu is shown (real value or substitution).

By hovering one of the cells of the table, the buttons to add row or columns next to the selected cell are displayed.

It is possible to delete row or columns by clicking on of the cell and selecting the proper option in the edit modal.

The widget is usable for both the dashboards and the reports. In the widget settings it is possible to choose whether to show widget title and reference dates, you can also set a caption for the widget, it will be visualized just under the widget in the generated report.

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