In the 3.6.7 release the following improvements were introduced:
- Reports, title and dates controls moved in report view from preview dialog;
- Reports, added Generate PDF button in report view, to generate a report without opening the preview dialog;
- Reports, whether to show the title in report;
- Reports, added caption in Singals list, Chart and Free table widgets;
- Reports, whether to color cells in Signals list widget (depending on reference signals);
- Reports, whether to show title or date ranges, both or none in Signals list widget;
- Reports, whether to show values labels directly in chart in Chart widget (works only with up to 50 values);
- Reports, in generated report list the reference dates are shown if set;
- Free text widget, it is now possible to add images;
- Credentials, added OAuth token scopes;
- Various minor fixes to improve existing functionalities:
- Improved report generation dialog behavior.