Before using the bot be sure to set your Telegram username in your user's profile in Databoom.
For a correct use of Telegram bot after release 4.0.46 you need to restart the bot (Delete chat history and type /start).
To access Databoom Telegram bot, type databoombot in the search bar. At the first boot the START button is visualized, otherwise you can type the /start command to restart the bot.
Once the bot has started, the favorite signals list is visualized. You can access one of the listed signals or choose one of the two search functionalities, Find device and Find signal.
Find device
Device search allow to reply the bot with a message which will be used to filter the devices list. All the matching devices will be displayed.
Device detail
By clicking one of the listed devices, its last communication date and signals list are displayed. It is therefore possible to access one of the listed signals or to reply the bot to filter the device signals list.
Signal detail
By clicking a signal in the list, its detail is shown. It is therefore possible to search a signal in the same device or to choose one of the two search modalities.
Find signal
Signal search allow to reply the bot with a message which will be used to filter the signals list. All the matching signals will be displayed.
Signals orders
If a signals has any MQTT orders set in Databoom, buttons will be displayed in their details. The bot displays only the orders that need none or one variable to be executed.
If an order requires a variable, after its button is clicked, the value input is asked to the user.
If no value is needed, the order is executed when the button is clicked.
Edit a signal value
In case of reference signals or when the signal has the manual input option active, if authorized, the additional button Edit value is displayed.
Once the Edit value button is clicked, the user can reply the bot with the new value to update the signal.
By clicking the Settings button it is possible to choose the language used by the bot (Databoom language is also updated).