An alarm can be in four states:
- New, when the alarm occurred but no user acknowledged it;
- Active, when the alarm is not resolved but was acknowledged;
- Off, when the alarm has ended but no user acknowledged it;
- Solved, when the alarm has ended and was acknowledged.
Alarm also have three levels of priority:
- Alarm, icon and description have states color
- Warning, with yellow icon and normal text
- Info, with azure icon and normal text
States can be used as filter for searching the list by selecting the corresponding label in the search bar (states filters are used in OR, but in AND with other filters).
It is also possible to filter alarms by their rule state:
- Existing rule, when the alarm rule exists,
- Canceled rules, when the alarm rule has been canceled, the alarm remain in the list as history log
Commented filter allows to list only the alarms that have comments.
The default view of the page shows all the new and active alarms with Today filter on. Filters in the search bar are stored for the current session. Moving in other pages of the site and coming back, the filter is still applied.
You can specify a particular range in which to search the alarms, in addition to the intervals set by buttons. The button Acknowledge all off allows the user to acknowledge all alarms simultaneously, otherwise it is possible to recognize them one by one with the appropriate button.
Alarms can be commented to store their additional info. To add a new comment you need to click the Add comment button in the Action column. Next to a commented alarm a balloon icon is shown, the comment is shown by clicking the corresponging row.
If alarm is generated by a rule containing actions (mail, sms, HTTP, MQTT, Telegram), a letter icon is displayed to show the operation result.
Edit alarms button shows an extra column that let the users to hide alarms (alarms are not deletable, they have a historical log use).
Export button generates an Excel file with all the displayed alarms.