Adding a rule

To add a new rule you need to specify:

  • a description
  • a device and/or signal, a variable is then assigned to the selected element
  • a formula that will verify the rule




In Info form you can provide a Description and some Tags to identify the rule. Actions placeholders %% can be used in description too (see Actions paragraph).

Priority alarm setting allows to specify the priority level of the alarms generated by the rule. It's possible to choose among:

  • Alarm
  • Warning
  • Info

By selecting the Automatic ack option, when an alarm turns off it automatically has the Solved state without the need to acknowledge it.

You can also specify an Activation/shutdown delay (hysteresis), that is an interval where the alarm is not reported even if it is present. 




In the condition form it is possible to selec the items to be used as variables and therefore fill the formula that will verify the formula.

In addition to signals and devices it is possible to use reports and chart or history widgets as variables, to set the automatic generation respectively of a pdf report or a csv export and the next mail forwarding when the formula is verified.

You can add to a formula:

  • only a device in timeout rules;
  • only a report or widget for report or export generation;
  • more signals, of different devices too, for any other kind of rules

It is also possible to specify an off condition. By enabling the option it is possible to set a condition to disable alarms different from the main formula.

For the syntax to use in formula writing, refer to the apposite article.




In the next form is possible to enable the sending of SMSmails, HTTP requests, MQTT messages and/or Telegram messages to report specific events:

  • Activation, the alarm just turned on
  • Shutdown, the alarm just turned off
  • Both, both the status changes of the alarm

WARNING! Phone numbers used as receivers require the national prefixExample +39

It is possible to insert in the action text:

  • the value of a variable when the alarm has activated, the syntax to use is %%variabie%%
    eg. %%x0%%
  • the value of a variable before the alarm has activated, the syntax to use is %%variable_1%%
    eg. %%x0_1%%
  • value substitution, the syntax to use is %%variable_sub%%
    eg. %%x0_sub%%
  • value substitution notes, the syntax to use is %%variable_sub_notes%%
    eg. %%x0_sub%%
  • variable signal/device/widget/report description, the syntax to use is %%variable_desc%%
    eg. %%x0_desc%%
  • variable signal/report device description, the syntax to use is %%variable_device_desc%%
    eg. %%x0_device_desc%%
  • variable signal/device token, the syntax to use is %%variabile_token%%
    eg. %%x0_token%%
  • variable signal device token, the syntax to use is %%variabile_device_token%%
    eg. %%x0_device_token%%
  • if the rule contains a report, the download link of the file, the syntax to use is %%reportVariable_pdf%%
    eg. %%x0_pdf%%
  • if the rule contains a widget, the download link of the file, the syntax to use is %%reportVariable_csv%%
    eg. %%x0_csv%%
  • the date of the alarm, the syntax to use is %%alarm_date%%. The date uses the fixed format 24/07/2018 08:04.

In case the alarm generated by the rule stay as New for long time (it hasn't been acknowledged by the user and result still active), the action of the rule is repeated once a day.

Once the rule has been saved, it is possible to edit actions receivers without accessing rule edit page. You just need to click on the Receivers area of an action and a modal will open to edit action receivers.

Action receivers edit is available also for read only users so that a rule is shared with a read only user the can edit its actions receivers without adiministrator intervention.

In rule view it is also possible to enable/disable single action for the rule.

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