Alarms list (widget)

The widget displays the alarms filtered by the devices chosen by the user in creation or, if no device is selected as filter, the full list of alarms. As default, all kind of alarms are listed.

Displayed fields are:

  • the alarm priority and status
    • Alarm, icon and description have status color (New, Active , Spento, Risolto)
    • Warning, with yellow icon and normal text
    • Info, with azure icon and normal text
  • the description
  • the duration
  • start and end date of the alarm
  • if the alarm is commented, a balloon that when clicked opens a modal to edit it

Alarms list widget

From the edit window it is possible to set filters on dates, on status and priority, in addition to filters on devices.

It is possible to access filters edit by clicking the filters area directly in widget visualization.

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