
The submenu Credentials is available under the menu Settings.

API key

API key section show the user's API key and, like in the user's profile view, buttons to copy it or its portions are available.

The API key is used as header apikey in requests.

OAuth tokens

OAuth keys section let the user create OAuth tokens to authenticate his devices. 

It is possible to specify a description for a token to recognize it in the table. It is possible to assign a scope to eacht token, to limit its functionality:

  • Publish (default)
  • Read
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete

Once an OAuth token has been added, it is possible to access the edit modal by clickyng the pencil button in the corresponding row. The bin button allows to delete the token (devices that use the token to authenticate won't transmit anymore).

An OAuth token is used as header Authorization in requests, header value consists of Bearer and the generated value.

Authorization: Bearer 0b79bab50daca910b000d4f1a2b675d604257e42

TIP!  Where it is possible, for a better security, it is always recommended to use an OAuth token rather than the API key.

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