Customization (PRESTIGE)

A Databoom PRESTIGE user can customize the platform interface editing the colors and the main logo. To access the customization area, click the proper subemnu in Settings. Customized interface will be available for all the users belonging the same Databoom subdomain.

Selected colors are added in the widgets pallete, so it is easy to get an armonic interface.

It is also possible to specify:

  • the Title that is shown in the title bar next to the name of the page (default is DATABOOM)
  • a Motto, displayed next to the tile
  • the link to the home of your site, reachable by clicking the Home button in the access screens
  • the link to your support site, reachable by cliccking the ? button in the top right corner
  • links to terms and conditions and privacy policy
  • language (Italian/English) to translate Login page
  • customized Login and Signin screens message
  • whether to show home button in login screen
  • whether to show sign up button in login screen
  • whether to show password forgot link in login screen

Available languages panel allows to set languages that are displayed to your domain users as language preferences in their profile settings. Depending on user's choiche the proper translations are shown.

In the Other customizations panel it is possible to edit the favicon, the appleicon and signals types images (for Signals boxes widget).

After images upload, you need to click Save button to store updates.

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