Import CSV

Databoom allows to import signals and their values using CSV files.

When editing a device it is possible to set the Decimals separatorCSV datetime format and CSV signals fields. 

The CSV datetime format format must match the one present in the files (in order to parse data correctly) and you also need to specify the descriptions of the signals to import or all data will be left out.

Pay particular attention to hour format in the file to import. Seconds must be specified and two digits for hours, minutes seconds are mandatory. es. 09:18:00

CSV compatibility

There are two categories of .CSV files supported:

  • with header;
  • without header.

In case of CSV with header, the first row will be the header where are allowed up two columns for date and time, while the following are to be used for signals descriptions. In the next rows, signals description are substituted from signals value.

 18/01/2017   16:00:00  123,45  678,91




 18/01/2017 16:00:00  123,45  678,91


  18/01/2017 16:00:00;123.45;678.91

In case of CSV senza header, are allowed up two columns for date and time, one for the description and one for the value.

 18/01/2017  16:59:00  SIGNAL_1  123,45
 18/01/2017   17:00:00  SIGNAL_2  678,91




 18/01/2017 16:59:00  SIGNAL_1  123,45
 18/01/2017 17:00:00  SIGNAL_2  678,91


 18/01/2017 16:59:00;SIGNAL_1;123.45
18/01/2017 17:00:00;SIGNAL_2;678.91

How to import CSV

There are two ways to import from .CSV:

  • Import a single file, from the device details page by clicking the button Import CSV (the button is available only after checking the Enable CSV import option in the device edit page);
  • Create a device whose type uses CSV, for example Google Drive.

Special cases

If you're uploading data for signals where value rescale is enabled you can proceed by uploading raw values since they are processed after the file upload.

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